

Reduction nymphoplasty or labioplasty is a female intimate surgery procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora.

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What is nymphoplasty?

Nymphoplasty, often called labioplasty (or labiaplasty), is a surgical procedure dedicated to the correction and enhancement of the vaginal labia, both labia minora and labia majora. Beyond the aesthetic aspect, intimate cosmetic surgery can meet functional needs and significantly improve quality of life for many women.

Over time, with hormonal variations, childbirth or simply genetics, some women may experience discomfort with the size or shape of their labia.

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approx. 45 minutes
general anesthesia
2 to 3 days

Reasons to choose vaginal labia correction

  1. Aesthetic
    Harmonizing the intimate area can boost self-confidence and self-esteem.
  2. Clothing comfort
    Prominent lips can create visible discomfort under tight-fitting clothing, swimsuits and the like.
  3. Physical activities
    Discomfort may be experienced during certain activities such as cycling, running or horseback riding.
  4. Intimate relations
    Excessive labia size can cause discomfort or pain during intimacy.
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The most common indications

Overdeveloped labia minora (hypertrophic labia), whose size is excessive in relation to that of the labia majora, causing daily physical or aesthetic discomfort. Confirmed hypertrophy occurs when the size of the labia minora exceeds 4 cm. However, the notion of discomfort is a personal one, and labia minora can be bothersome with a size of less than 4 cm.

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The nympholplasty procedure

A pre-operative consultation is always scheduled with the plastic surgeon to answer your questions and draw up a precise estimate based on your expectations. This consultation is essential in order to best prepare for your operation and establish a relationship of trust with the specialist.

An appointment with the anaesthetist is also scheduled, as labioplasty (otherwise known as nymphoplasty) is performed under general anaesthetic.

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Average duration: between 45 minutes and 1 hour

Nymphoplasty is performed under general anesthesia to maximize your comfort. The procedure involves removing the excess mucosa from the labia minora.

The most common technique is the triangular technique, in which a triangle is removed from the posterior half of the lip. This preserves the appearance of the lip folds, which retain a totally natural appearance. The scars, which are concealed at the junction of the labia majora and labia minora, are invisible.

In the longitudinal technique, excess mucosa is removed along the entire length of the lip. This technique is simpler and allows large amounts of excess tissue to be removed.

The technique used during nymphoplasty is chosen on a case-by-case basis and according to the patient’s wishes for an optimal result.

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Immediate follow-up

After a visit to the recovery room, you’ll rest for a few hours in a comfortable room. You can return home the same day. Our team will give you all the recommendations you need for your convalescence and prescribe painkillers to limit discomfort. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the progress and healing of your nymphoplasty.

Post-operative care

After surgery, bruising and swelling are normal and transient.

The post-operative period is painless, but there is some discomfort when walking for the first few days after the operation.

Skirts are preferable to pants at first. The sutures are absorbable and disappear after 10 to 15 days, or are removed about a week after the procedure, depending on the surgeon and the type of operation. It’s important to maintain good intimate hygiene, especially after every trip to the toilet. Intercourse can be resumed 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, when healing is satisfactory, as can sports. The return to work can take place between the second and seventh day following the operation, depending on the tasks performed.

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The result

The result is immediately visible, but the final appearance can be appreciated after three months, the time it takes for edema to disappear and the labia minora to regain their suppleness and finesse. Scars, though present, are discreet and fade naturally over time. The benefits of nymphoplasty are both aesthetic and functional, offering women new freedom and renewed confidence in their intimacy.

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What are the risks associated with nymphoplasty?

Like all surgical procedures, nymphoplasty carries risks:

  • Operation-related
  • Infection
  • Bleeding or hematoma
  • Unsightly scars
  • Loss of sensitivity
  • Post-operative asymmetry
  • Anesthesia-related reactions
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How long does convalescence last?

Most patients can resume their daily activities after one week. However, it is advisable to avoid strenuous physical activity and intimate relations for about 4 to 6 weeks.

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Are the results permanent?

Yes, the results of nymphoplasty are generally permanent. However, factors such as aging, hormonal variations or childbirth can influence the appearance of the vaginal lips over time.

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Does nymphoplasty affect sensitivity?

Most patients report no loss of sensitivity after the procedure. On the contrary, some claim to have heightened sensitivity.

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How much does nymphoplasty cost?

The cost varies according to the complexity of the operation, the surgeon and the clinic chosen. It is advisable to consult a specialist to obtain a precise estimate that takes into account the costs associated with the operation, such as pre-operative consultations, anesthesia and post-operative follow-up.

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Make an appointment

Claris La Hulpe
(Site Hôtel Dolce)
Chaussée de Bruxelles 135 B
1310 La Hulpe
Online appt. at La Hulpe
Claris Bruxelles
(Quartier Européen)
Rue Belliard 141
1040 Bruxelles
Online appt. at Bruxelles
Claris Liège
(Château des Thermes)
Rue Hauster 9
4050 Chaudfontaine
Online appt. at Liège